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Welcome to Fishful Thinking

Fishful Thinking is a joint effort of hobbyist breeders, Michiel and Alanna van Bemmel, representing The Netherlands. We are based near Den Haag in The Netherlands.


This website is a record of our spawns and their progression, as well as our success in shows. This also allows potential breeders to see the pedigree of their fish to make it easier to make their own decisions. We do bring fish to rehome at the shows, so if you have an interest in a particular spawn please let us know either on social media or using the website's contact form and we can bring them along.


Primarily we focus on Betta Splendens, the show variety, breeding towards Bettas4All Standards and showing across Europe. Michiel is also a fully qualified Bettas4All judge, so has a good insight into looking at the qualities within the fish. 


Occasionally we will also have a discus spawn which the progression will also be recorded. 

Homebred male placing 1st at the Bettas4All Kalkar 2019 Unicolour Halfmoon Male class.
Prize giving at the National Betta show 2019 featuring Ben Nicholls, one of the NBS organisers.
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